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All content by Vanessa Solis
Fake It Till You Make it. I Can’t!

Fake It Till You Make it. I Can’t!

Vanessa Solis May 3, 2016
How I failed to push my depression away with positive thoughts
How 140 Characters Changed The World

How 140 Characters Changed The World

Vanessa Solis April 5, 2016
Why word choice still matters, and its affect in the digital age
Pet Stories: On a Small Life I Loved and Lost.

Pet Stories: On a Small Life I Loved and Lost.

Vanessa Solis March 22, 2016
The story of Roquefort the rat, Vanessa the human, and the time we shared
“Shh,” and Other Phrases

“Shh,” and Other Phrases

Vanessa Solis March 7, 2016
The love language of public libraries, as told by a tragically un-sexy library worker
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Vanessa Solis